Rechtssicherheit durch europäische Gesetze

Legal certainty through European laws Bulgaria has been a member of the EU since 2007. The acquisition of real estate is notarized inthe same way as in Germany. We put you in touch with lawyers and qualified interpreters whowill check the purchase contracts in advance and ensure that the necessary permits (e.g.Act.16) are in place.The […]


Service After a purchase, you may want to renovate, buy furniture, reinstall or expand the electricalsystem, redesign the garden. After more than seven years, we have built up an extensivenetwork in the area of Fast All Services in Bulgaria. Up to the mediation of boat berths. We canalso arrange removals from Germany to Bulgaria for […]


Registration Lichna Karta, registration of cars, insurances and more…We are happy to provide our customers with a qualified interpreter who will work with you tocreate all the necessary documents for registrations in Bulgaria.For example the ID card (Lichna Karta) requires two visits to the competent authority. Both timesyou will be accompanied. When the Lichna Karta […]


Company formation Tens of thousands of foreigners now live in wonderful Bulgaria – and the number is growing.And it’s by no means just people who are already enjoying their well-deserved retirement. Thereare also more and more entrepreneurs who appreciate the low tax rates in Bulgaria. Now, of course, you can also look up everything yourself […]